
Two Key Changes to MHI Regulatory Framework

Under the WSH(MHI) regulations, we’ll see two key changes to the regulatory framework for MHIs

First, the introduction of Safety Case Regime. Under this regime, MHIs have to prepare Safety Cases consolidating all Safety, Health and Environment or SHE regulatory protocols and demonstrate to authorities that they have managed their SHE risks to as low as reasonably practicable.

Second, Single Regulatory front to MHIs for all SHE matters.  This enhances coordination among the three regulatory agencies –

  • MOM for workplace safety and health;
  • NEA for environmental impacts and control of hazardous chemicals;
  • SCDF for emergency preparedness, transport, storage and use of flammable substances.

Safety Case Regime:

Safety Case regime will take effect on 1 September 2017 through the WSH (MHI) Regulations. There are three key elements in the Regulations, developed in consultation with the industry.

      First, Safety Case Demonstration.

Rather than stipulating an absolute standard, MHIs are required to show that adequate, effective and reliable control measures are in place to reduce risks of major accidents to ‘as low as reasonably practicable’ or ALARP.

      Second, Critical Information Sharing.

Because MHIs are so integrated in their operations across different companies, MHIs will be obliged to share critical information on the nature and extent of risks on affected workplaces. For example, an MHI may need to share with its neighbors, the extent and severity of major accidents and their potential off-site risks. This ensures that neighboring MHIs can put in place measures to protect their operations against potential domino effects resulting from these major accidents.

       Third, Process-related incidents Reporting.

MHIs will be required to notify and report process-related incidents. For example, leaks of dangerous substances from storage tanks or fires and explosions that cause property damage or injury. This will enhance safety standards through learning from past incidents and best practices in the industry.

Single Regulatory Front:  

      Major Hazard Department(MHD) formed

In order to implement the Safety Case Regime effectively, a new inter-agency department, known as the Major Hazards Department, or MHD, was formed in MOM on 1 September 2016. MHD comprises officers from MOM, NEA and SCDF who will work hand-in-hand for Safety Case assessments, site verification and incident investigations.

        Replacement of Safety and Risk Management Center (SRMC)

MHD replaces the Safety and Risk Management Centre, or SRMC, as a coordinating center for Quantitative Risk Assessment submissions.


Reference: Opening Speech at Major Hazards Installation Symposium 2016 by Mr Sam Tan(Minister of State for Manpower)(


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