
Safety Case Regulations

  1. Singapore MHD Workplace Safety and Health (Major Hazard Intallation) Regulation 2017
  2. UK HSE COMAH 2015
  3. Australia NOPSEMA Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Safety Regulations 2009

Safety Case Guide: 

  1. Safety Case Technical Guide(SCTG)
  2. Safety Case Assessment Guide(SCAG)

Safety Case Regime Introduction:

  1. Singapore Safety Case Regime Journey
  2. Changes to MHI Regulatory Framework
  3. WSH Act (Chapter 354A)(Edition 2009)
  4. Public Consultation on the proposed WSH(MHI) Regulations
  5. Safety Case implementation timeline
  6. Guide to the WSH (MHI) Regulations (by Mr Lim Eng Wee)

MHI determination and Application:

  1. MHI assessment form
  2. MHI application form
  3. Guide to determine quantities of dangerous substances
  4. Reference list of common dangerous substances hazard classification

Core References for MHIs in Safety Case Preparation:

  1. WSH Act (Chapter 354A)(Edition 2009)
  2. Singapore MHD WSH (MHI) Regulation 2017
  3. Revised QRA Guideline Technical Guidance by NEA
  4. Safety Case implementation timeline
  5. Safety Case Technical Guide(SCTG)
  6. Safety Case Assessment Guide(SCAG)
  7. Guide to WSH(MHI) Regulations(by Mr Lim Eng Wee)
  8.  Safety Case Assessment Guide – Predictive Aspects (by Mr Chen Fu Yi)
  9.  Safety Case Assessment Guide – Process Safety(by Mr Randy Cha)
  10.  Safety Case Assessment Guide- Mechanical Aspects(by Mr Soh Zi Quan)
  11.  Safety Case Assessment Guide- Emergency Response Planning(ERP)(by Cpt Teo Soon Chye)
  12.  ALARP Demonstration (by Ms Jaime Lim)

Safety Case  Related Training:

  1.   Curriculum Development Advisory
  2.  list of MHD-recognised training providers
  3.   Functional Safety Training
  4.   Explosion Protection


  1. Arguing Safety– A Systematic Approach to Managing Safety Cases (by Timothy Patrick Kelly)
  2. A Methodology for Safety Case Development (by Peter Bishop)