Core Feature of WSH(MHI) Regulation:
Safety Case Regime is the core feature of the WSH (MHI) Regulations. It allows flexibility for MHIs to tailor their risk mitigating measures, enabling MHIs to address their risk in a more holistic manner.
Under the Safety Case Regime, MHIs are expected to:
- Take on greater responsibilities.
- Proactively identify and manage Safety Health and Environment (SHE)risks through integration of all SHE protocols.
- Demonstrate to regulators that their risks are as low as reasonably practicable.
A paradigm shift of Singapore’s MHI regulation
Safety Case Regime is a paradigm shift of Singapore’s MHI regulation, from prescriptive regulation to goal setting regulation.
In the past, the regulator is responsible to identify and maintain an appropriate set of regulations for operators to adhere to. While in safety case regime, the operator will be responsible to identify and implement appropriate measures, and the regulator will review and assess operator’s safety case.