Events Regulations

PEB Briefing on Registration as Professional Engineer in Chemical Engineering


PEB Briefing on Registration  of PE (Chemical)

PEB held a briefing on the registration of professional engineers (PE) in chemical engineering that would commence with effect from 1 Jan 2017.

When & where

The briefing was held at Level 6 Auditorium at JEM Building on 28 November 2016.


PEB Board member Er. Tong Chi Wai gave an overview on the development of the framework for registration of PE (Chemical) that would support the implementation of the new MHI regulations. Mr Go Heng Huat, Director of Major Hazards Department from Ministry of Manpower shared on the importance of the involvement of PE (Chemical) when the MHI regulations take effect in 2017.

Presentations and Q&A: 

Details of the Safety Case Regime and roles of PE (Chemical) was presented by Mr Oh Hong Jia, Senior Specialist, Major Hazards Department, Ministry of Manpower. PEB Registrar Er. Chin Jen Chyi shared on the requirements for registration as PE (Chemical) which included obtaining approved qualifications, sitting for prescribed examinations, obtaining relevant practical experience and attending a professional interview.  The briefings were followed by a session of Q&A with the speakers.


Members and staff from Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES), Association of Consulting Engineers Singapore (ACES), Society of Loss Prevention (SLP), IChemE in Singapore, Singapore Chemical Industry Council (SCIC), local universities and Major Hazard Installations (MHIs) were invited to participate in the briefing and about 110 persons attended the briefing.


What is Safety Case and Safety Case Regime in Singapore

Safety Case

A case

Safety Case essentially is a case, which makes a statement based on evidence through argument.

A tool

Safety case, under Singapore’s WSH(MHI) regulations,  is also a regulatory tool. MHI is  required to develop its safety case, and demonstrate it to the MHD and convince them that the strategy for managing safety is  satisfactory, through the adoption of ALARP principle.

A set of documents

It also can be viewed as a set of documents, which demonstrate that the MHI are designed, constructed, commissioned, operated and decommissioned in such a way that the risks to personnel, the public and the environment are minimized, for the use of both regulators and operators.

In Singapore, this set of documents should cover at  least:

  • Hazard identification process
  • Identification of hazards with the potential to  cause major accidents
  • Evaluation of major accident risks
  • System/procedures put in place to control them
  • Measures to limit major accident consequences
  • ALARP methodology

Safety Case Regime in Singapore

Core Feature of WSH(MHI) Regulation: 

Safety Case Regime is the core feature of the WSH(MHI) Regulations. It allows flexibility for MHIs to tailor their risk mitigating measures, enabling MHIs to address their risk in a more holistic manner.

Under the Safety Case Regime, MHIs are expected to:

  • Take on greater responsibilities.
  • Proactively identify and manage Safety Health and Environment (SHE) risks through integration of all SHE protocols.
  • Demonstrate to regulators that their risks are as low as reasonably practicable.

A paradigm shift of Singapore’s MHI regulation

Safety Case Regime is a paradigm shift of Singapore’s MHI regulation, from prescriptive regulation to goal setting regulation.

In the past, the regulator is responsible to identify and maintain an appropriate set of regulations for operators to adhere to. While in safety case regime, the operator will be responsible to identify and implement appropriate measures, and the regulator will review and assess operator’s safety case.


Two Key Changes to MHI Regulatory Framework

Under the WSH(MHI) regulations, we’ll see two key changes to the regulatory framework for MHIs

First, the introduction of Safety Case Regime. Under this regime, MHIs have to prepare Safety Cases consolidating all Safety, Health and Environment or SHE regulatory protocols and demonstrate to authorities that they have managed their SHE risks to as low as reasonably practicable.

Second, Single Regulatory front to MHIs for all SHE matters.  This enhances coordination among the three regulatory agencies –

  • MOM for workplace safety and health;
  • NEA for environmental impacts and control of hazardous chemicals;
  • SCDF for emergency preparedness, transport, storage and use of flammable substances.

Safety Case Regime:

Safety Case regime will take effect on 1 September 2017 through the WSH (MHI) Regulations. There are three key elements in the Regulations, developed in consultation with the industry.

      First, Safety Case Demonstration.

Rather than stipulating an absolute standard, MHIs are required to show that adequate, effective and reliable control measures are in place to reduce risks of major accidents to ‘as low as reasonably practicable’ or ALARP.

      Second, Critical Information Sharing.

Because MHIs are so integrated in their operations across different companies, MHIs will be obliged to share critical information on the nature and extent of risks on affected workplaces. For example, an MHI may need to share with its neighbors, the extent and severity of major accidents and their potential off-site risks. This ensures that neighboring MHIs can put in place measures to protect their operations against potential domino effects resulting from these major accidents.

       Third, Process-related incidents Reporting.

MHIs will be required to notify and report process-related incidents. For example, leaks of dangerous substances from storage tanks or fires and explosions that cause property damage or injury. This will enhance safety standards through learning from past incidents and best practices in the industry.

Single Regulatory Front:  

      Major Hazard Department(MHD) formed

In order to implement the Safety Case Regime effectively, a new inter-agency department, known as the Major Hazards Department, or MHD, was formed in MOM on 1 September 2016. MHD comprises officers from MOM, NEA and SCDF who will work hand-in-hand for Safety Case assessments, site verification and incident investigations.

        Replacement of Safety and Risk Management Center (SRMC)

MHD replaces the Safety and Risk Management Centre, or SRMC, as a coordinating center for Quantitative Risk Assessment submissions.


Reference: Opening Speech at Major Hazards Installation Symposium 2016 by Mr Sam Tan(Minister of State for Manpower)(



MHI Registration Process

MHI Certificate

Suppose your workplace is assessed and classified as MHI, what awaits you is to register your MHI for MHI certificate.

     For existing MHIs,

  • by Dec 2016: MHI will be notified of Safety Case submission date & provisional MHI certificate details;
  • from Sep 2017:  provisional MHI certificate will take effect  replace your current factory license;
  • afterwards, MHI is to follow the timeline set by MHD for official registration of MHI certificate.

      For new MHIs,  you’ll need to apply MHI certificate instead of factory license.

MHI Registration Process

5 practical steps will guide you in MHI registration.

Step #Step NameDescription
1MHI ApplicationSubmit MHI application & assessment forms to MHD
2Safety Case PreparationUpon confirmation of MHI status, MHI to prepare SC according to SC Technical Guide
3Pre-receipt MeetingMandatory meeting between MHI and MHD, to align Safety Case contents
4Safety Case SubmissionSafety Case to be submitted for MHD’s assessment
5Issue MHI Certificate of RegistrationCertificate issued upon payment of registration fees

Step #1: MHI Application

Submit your completed MHI Application Form and MHI Assessment Form to MHD at .

Step #2: Safety Case Preparation

MHIs are advised to start Safety Case Preparation as earlier as possible.  Earlier preparation will allow you more time to meet criteria stated in the Safety Case Assessment Guide (SCAG).

Please continue to subscribe to, and we’ll share more perspectives in how to prepare Safety Case.

Step #3: Pre-Receipt meeting

It’s a Mandatory meeting between MHI and MHD, in order to help MHI prepare its Safety Case well before the submission.

6 months ahead of  Safety Case submission dateline, MHI’ll be appointed to meet MHD and discuss below topics:

  • Descriptive information for your facility
  • Predictive Aspects-methodology and selection of Major Accidents Scenarios (MAS) and Safety Critical Events (SCE).
  • ALARP methodology and ALARP demonstration of 1 SCE.

Step #4: Safety Case Submission

For existing MHIs, MHD will inform your Safety Case submission dateline. So pay attention to MHD’s message to you via email and letter.

For new MHIs, your safety case submission dateline is 6 months before planned commissioning date.

Upon reception of your safety case, MHD will proceed to Safety Case Assessment & Site Verification, Review towards Acceptance, Acceptance and Proposed Intervention Priority & Intervention Plan.  The process is illustrated as below:

Step #5: Issue MHI Certificate of Registration

Once Safety Case is accepted by MHD,
  • MHI will be notified to make a payment for MHI Registration Fees via LicenceOne .
  • MHI Certificate of Registration will be issued,valid for 5 years.
  • MHI Certificate of Registration will replace Provisional MHI Registration.

Reference: Guide to WSH(MHI) Regulations(


How to determine if your workplace is an MHI

What is MHI

MHI is the short form of “Major Hazard Installation”, in the context of Singapore’s WSH(MHI) Regulation.

MHIs refer to fixed installations, including Petroleum refining and manufacturing facilities, chemical processing plants and facilities where large quantities of toxic and flammable substances are stored and/or used.

MHI classification

A workplace will be classified  as an MHI under the WSH(MHI) Regulations, if it meets both of below two conditions:

  1. its nature of work activities, and
  2. its inventory levels of dangerous substances (present or likely to be present) meeting or exceeding threshold quantities.

For condition 1, the works activities involve processing, manufacturing or having bulk storage by way of trade or for the purpose of gain of any dangerous substances specified in the First Schedule of WSH(MHI) Regulation.

Condition 2, on the quantity of dangerous substances,will be satisfied  if at least one of the below two criteria is met:

2.1 Quantity of the individual dangerous substance present or is likely be present equals or exceeds the prescribed threshold quantities; or

2.2 aggregation of the ratios of dangerous substances for one or more hazard classes(i.e. Physical, Health or other hazards) equals to or exceeds 1.

How to determine if your workplace is an MHI

As per MHD’s recommendation, you can

MHI Application

If your workplace is assessed to be an MHI, you need to submit the completed MHI application form to MHD at



1) What are MHIs (